Felix Lucka

welcome to my academic web site

Simultaneous Motion Estimation for CS-PAT

We just submitted our second major paper on how to improve dynamic, high-resolution 3D photoacoustic tomography (4D PAT) by novel imaging techniques. It combines compressed sensing data acquisition with a generic spatio-temporal regularization framework that incorporates a PDE-based motion model. The paper can be found on arXiv, big thanks to all the co-authors! [Update: It has been published in SIAM Imaging Science.]

New job at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica

I just moved to Amsterdam to pick up a tenure track position at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI). With the group for Computational Imaging, headed by Joost Batenburg, I will work on dynamic computerized tomography (CT). Their facilities include a world class X-ray lab that allows you to design a wide range of interesting challenging experiments. Check out the news story about the opening of the lab including a pretty cool animation

Iterative image reconstruction and deep learning

Blending deep learning and iterative image reconstruction has shown great promise to obtain high quality reconstructions from noisy, sub-sampled data and is therefore hot topic in inverse problems at the moment. We adopted an particular approach to enhance the reconstruction of blood vessel structures from sub-sampled, limited-view 3D photoacoustic tomography (PAT) in vivo. Many thanks to Andreas Hauptmann, who did the main work for this exciting project. The paper with all the results can be found on arXiv. [Update: It has been published in IEEE-TMI.]

SPIE Proceedings published

A couple of collaborators from the Photoacoustic Imaging Group at UCL went to the big SPIE Photonics West conference in San Francisco to present some of our work. Now all proceedings have been published in this collection. Big thanks to Martina Fonseca for writing “Three-dimensional photoacoustic imaging and inversion for accurate quantification of chromophore distributions”, Rob Ellwood for writing “Photoacoustic imaging with a multi-view Fabry-Pérot scanner”, and Nam Huynh for writing “Sub-sampled Fabry-Perot photoacoustic scanner for fast 3D imaging”!